How to create a blog on Google?

What will be the niche of the story you will talk about? Trending stories would work wonders because everyone is fond of them. Maybe your user has put the story on mute or is present in a noisy place and is unable to listen to anything. In that situation, make sure you describe the slide with a caption. Because without a caption, you wouldn’t find your stories in the discover section. Make sure that you are using high-definition pictures and images.

Adding a description on your blogger blog is very necessary, it helps to describe your reader and search engines that what is your blog about. You can set it by selecting the “basic” settings option under the main settings panel. Some cool features like template editor, template designer, and layout editor, are very advantageous. With the help of the template editor, you edit the code of your theme and can customize it as you like.

how to create a blog free on google

Most of the time, contributors with established reputations will take precedence on the home page and get most of the traffic. Many of these blogging websites are free to use. That way, you can create accounts on more than one platform to expand your reach without worrying about costs. Leveraging this system can help you build a strong audience base for your blog. You can also use these platforms to build backlinks and funnel more visitors to your blogging website. Self-hosted platforms can sustain complex websites of any size as long as your blog hosting plan has sufficient resources. Your main topic should have a level of pre-existing interest to ensure you’ll have an audience to target.

Is Your Blog Visible to Search Engines?

Hover over your chosen blog theme and click Install. Once the process is complete, hit Activate. Enter your website title – you can input the blog name here. It’s possible to change this later via the Site Identity settings on your WordPress admin dashboard. As mentioned previously, different platforms suit different needs and preferences.

They let you create and manage a website easily with a graphical user interface. In this last step if you follow above all steps then you click on create the blog and now you see that you easily create the google blogger. You don’t have to pay even a penny to start a blog on blogspot.

  • Additionally, the US leads Pinterest usage by a substantial margin.
  • Since you share the platform with other bloggers, getting traction can be challenging.
  • As you may know, URLs or web addresses need to be unique – you cannot use one which has been taken by someone else.
  • It does not offer as many features as some other blogging platforms such as WordPress provided.
  • However, by considering factors such as design, monetization options, and additional costs, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect platform for you.

Paying attention to elements like paragraph and sentence structures, headings, and bullet lists can boost your blog’s readability. Proper formatting also increases your chances of ranking higher on search engines and makes your blog posts skim-friendly. Another way to make money blogging is to reach out to brands and write about their products.


Type in the administrator username, password, and email. This login information will be used to access your WordPress dashboard or admin area. While some blogs with long names are highly successful, the best practice is to keep them short. On the other hand, CMSs like WordPress are perfect for those with some web-building experience wanting the freedom to code or install custom extensions. There’s no need to think about technical aspects like the site’s performance or security – you can focus on publishing and promoting your blog.

These platforms are typically content management systems that offer extensive customization options for your blogging website. If you create the google blogger For the best blogging Blog name is most important because without blog name people no know about your blog. So now you need to select the one important and best name for your blog. New blogging platforms have arisen to assist bloggers as the Internet has grown. Getting started with a blog is now so simple for newbies that practically everyone wants to become involved.

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